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Carburator cleaning

Schrijver frans
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#1 | Geplaatst: 31 maart 2003 08:22 | Aangepast door: Moderator 
(Via de mail binnengekomen)

I am Paco, from spain, i found into a mountain of irons, whells for destruction a abandoned honda cx500, its half-completed..maybe stopped for 25 years lamps, no seat,no tires....but i have put gas into the tank, a new battery, and a lite of "butan for plomber soldering" into the air filter for help to star....and......THE ENGINE HAVE START AND RUNNING OK FOR A MINUTS !!!
Left Carburator is blocked and gas dont drip...i need info for cleaning the carburator, tell me if there are any cleaning fluid on market, electric schema, electric pasrameters on CDI ignition, and volts regulator. type of splugs.....

thanks in short i{ll sendind to you a pics fron this queen "


Schrijver mcu
#2 | Geplaatst: 3 april 2003 20:16 
Beste Frans,

mail hem wat sites van blueyonder en hij zal dol gelukkig zijn.

Gr Marc.

Techniek Forum / Techniek /
 Carburator cleaning

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